Saturday 7 December 2013

Five Plyometric Exercises to Accelerate Your Fat Loss

It is important to always have at your disposal workouts that you can use to burn fat, change things up, and just have something different to have fun with. As a trainer that works with tons of women to lose body fat, I always recommend that you never do the same workout for more than four weeks. You have to switch it up.

One way to get a month of much different exercise in is by using plyometric exercises with some body weight exercises and doing circuit workouts. These are much faster workouts, but they are pretty intense with it comes to both cardio and building lean muscle so they will really help you burn more fat.

Let's look at five plyometic exercises that you can use in your workout routines to help get that added fat burning blast.

First is the standard squat jump. This is a really powerful move because you it hits all of your leg muscles and when you do a set that asks for more than 20 reps, not only will your muscles be hurting but it will also be like sprinting. Make sure that you keep your from correct because you don't want to risk injury because of bad form.

Second you have high skips. These are really fun because they are just like skipping. The only difference is you are making them a lot more dynamic. You are jumping much higher and lifting your knees high into your chest. This is a fun and intense workout as well. If you want to make it even more challenging then try your hardest to jump as far as possible between each skip.

Third is the lunge jump. This is one of my favorites because it's fast and uses a lot of balance muscles too. A lunge jump is where you lunge and then jump up and switch your legs to land into another lunge. This can be done so you jump really high or you can stay low and just move your legs really fast.

Fourth is the box jump. This is similar to the squat jump because you are essentially doing a squat jump, but you have to land on a step that is pretty high. It makes it a little harder and you have to push yourself a little more... but this exercise is a fat burning powerhouse.

Finally, you have the skier. This is where you very quickly jump back and fourth with your feet together over a line on the ground. It's similar to skiing, but it can be very intense. It's also great if you want to make it harder and put something that has some height forcing you to jump higher.

Curtiss is a trainer for The Art of Weight Lifting for women. If you are looking to get exercises to lose weight prescribed just for you and your fitness level then check them out. They also help with nutrition plans that teach clean eating and workout plans support and motivation... all for women!

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