Tuesday, 12 February 2013

VaserLipo - The Best Liposuction Option

LiposuctionDublin.ie Vaser liposuction is a revolutionary new liposuction technology that uses ultrasound energy to break up the fat before it is aspirated out of the body. There are several breakthroughs with Vaser liposuction that make it a real advancement over older liposuction technologies and techniques The ultrasound energy only targets fat, other structures such as blood vessels and connective tissues are untouched. This means much less blood loss and trauma to the treated area. The incision sites are tiny because the cannulas used are quite small, so scars are minimal, usually fade very well in time, and often become practically invisible. There is far less post-operative pain as the Vaser is gentler on the body. Because a liposuction procedure incorporating the Vaser technology causes far less trauma to the body, healing times are much faster. Vaser liposuction is usually performed under local anesthesia. So the risks associated with general anesthesia can be eliminated altogether. There is usually no overnight hospital stay, so there's a lot less chance of coming into contact with hospital super bugs. With these advances in the technology, cosmetic surgeons have been quick to adapt and refine their liposuction techniques, producing far better, smoother results for their patients. For a more in-depth look at the different types of liposuction available in Ireland today -- including Vaserliposculpture, download your FREE report from LiposuctionDublin.ie

Best Liposuction and Health Care Products

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