Thursday, 4 July 2013

Does Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery Help To Remove Cellulite?

Does Liposuction Help To Remove Cellulite?

Over the years there has been such an avalanche of so-called "cures" for the removal of cellulite that many of us have become confused. If you do a "Google Search" you will find as many "remedies" as there are fleas on a dog's back. There have been so called remedies such as pills to flush out toxins in the skin, skin brushing techniques, massage treatments, vibrating machines, weightlifting gym workouts and all kinds of crazy diets. None of these "solutions" for removing cellulite work, as you may have discovered to your irritation.

Clearly removing cellulite is a problem for women world-wide. Some home remedy videos on YouTube receive hundreds of thousands of hits. One video in particular shows how to get rid of cellulite with a home remedy of salt and lemon juice and that has almost a million hits! No doubt those who have tried this remedy for the removal of cellulite have also been frustrated.

Some of us have slaved away at the gym in the hope of removing the "orange peel skin" or the "cottage cheese" lumps and bumps we hate so much. All of this effort has probably been to no avail. Let's look at why we develop cellulite.

What causes cellulite?

If you are a male you probably don't have a cellulite problem because cellulite occurs in the majority of women and only in a minority of men.

Once women approach menopause their oestrogen starts to decrease and therefore, even at this early age, women from 25 to 35 may start to show the first signs of cellulite.

The reason women get cellulite more than men is because of the structure of collagen which is the main protein of connective tissue in humans. In women the structure has the appearance of a fence with pickets and in men the structure is more like fence with cross-links which will hold the fat in place more successfully.

Hormonal factors causing cellulite

Although there has been no reliable clinical evidence to support the claim it is now believed that oestrogen could be an important hormone which helps to start the process of cellulite. It is also believed that oestrogen has an effect on blood vessels and that once oestrogen decreases we lose receptors in blood vessels and this may lead to a decrease in circulation. As soon as our circulation decreases there is less oxygen and less nutrition going to the area in question and then there is a decrease in the production of collagen in our bodies. It is this that leads to the lumpy fat deposits on our bodies that we dislike so much and which we call cellulite.

Do genetic factors play a role in causing cellulite?

Research has shown that there is a genetic element in a whether or not a person will get cellulite.

Lifestyle and the effect of lifestyle on cellulite

A lifestyle with a high level of stress will cause an increase in the possibility of getting cellulite. With sedentary jobs we move much less, we often drive rather than walk..

So, what can we get rid of cellulite?

This is the question many of us have been asking ourselves. There have been many "cures" promising to banish the nasty unsightly dimpled bodies we are so ashamed of. A change of lifestyle and diet can help; we should eat as healthily as possible and move around as much as possible. There have also been some revolutionary liposuction cellulite removal procedures which have had very positive and long lasting results.

No pain and no downtime for liposuction, cellulite removal surgery. Cosmetic Clinic in Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa is the first in Africa to obtain the VASER Lipo2.2 system which is producing noticeable results for reducing cellulite. it is powerful enough to target large fat deposits yet gentle enough to treat cellulite on delicate body areas such as the neck and arms. Excellent for breast augmentation (take fat from one part of the body and fill out in another part of the body, all in one procedure!). The treatment uses ultrasound and is very gentle.
Contact Cosmetic Clinic in Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa for more information. Take a look at our website for more information:

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