I train and design fat loss programs for a lot of women. The main concepts of every single one of my fat loss programs are always the same.
They focus on 5 principles that I'm going to reveal to you now.
1) Do less cardio. This is by far the one that is hardest for most ladies to stick to. I don't know why, but ladies love long, boring, joint pounding cardio sessions. I think it's because most women think that by doing resistance training, they're going to magically turn into a guy and get big, hulking muscles and grow a beard, so they do lots and lots of slow cardio in their "fat burning zone" to get around this.
I'm sorry ladies, but that's not how it works. First there's no such thing as a fat burning zone. It's a myth that should be laid to rest for good.
Second, I want you to stop thinking about calories burned while doing the workout and start thinking about the amount of fat burned while not exercising. There is a way to do your cardio that gets you done in as little as 15 minutes that burns more fat throughout the remainder of the day than 90 minutes of moderate cardio in your fat burning zone.
It's called interval training. All interval training means is you mix short bouts of intense activity with longer bouts of moderate activity.
Take the treadmill as an example. After you warm-up, you would run relatively fast for 20 seconds, followed by a slow jog for 60 seconds, repeat that until you've gone about 12 minutes. Then cool down and you're done. If you do it correctly, I promise you you'll feel worked when you're done and you'll be in and out of the gym quicker than most of the other ladies warm-up.
2) Eat more fiber.
Fiber is king when it comes to fat loss. Eat more of it and you will lose fat. Just start adding more fruits, vegetables, healthy nuts and beans to your daily diet and you'll notice results within days.
3) Stop drinking diet soda. Diet soda, believe it or not, can be making you gain weight. How is that you ask? Because it makes many ladies retain water. As if you didn't have enough of that to worry about already, now you have to worry about diet sodas making you retain water.
So, stop drinking them and you may lose upwards of 10 pounds in a week.
4) Do resistance training 3 times per week. No, you won't get big burly muscles like a guy. In fact, many guys have trouble getting big muscles. It's very, very hard to gain 1 pound of muscle and it's even harder for women because they naturally don't have the hormones.
But doing resistance training doesn't necessarily mean you have to go hang out with the boys. Just stick to 3 full body workouts that focus on full body movements like push-ups, rows, squats, lunges and full body core movements like planks and mountain climbers rather than crunches.
Doing so will burn a lot more fat and tone your arms and legs much faster than doing isolation movements like bicep curls, triceps kickbacks and the inner thigh machines.
5) Stop doing so many crunches.
It drives me crazy to hear that people do hundreds of crunches everyday. That will not give you a flat, sexy stomach. It may strengthen those muscles, but what good does that do if they're hidden below a layer of flabby goo?
You have to get rid of the stomach fat by following the previous 4 tips I gave you. That's how you get the firm, flat tummy you've always wanted. That's how you get rid of the muffin top and fit into those skinny jeans you've always wanted.
Not by doing endless amounts of crunches.
Learn how to lose body fat quicker than you ever thought imaginable by going to http://www.fatlosstogo.com/
The fast, time efficient fat loss workouts found in Fat Loss To Go have helped busy men and women lose fat faster than they ever could have imagined.
The workouts found in Fat Loss To Go can be done in the comfort of your own home with limited equipment in as little as 15-20 minutes! To learn more go to http://www.fatlosstogo.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Scow
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