Sunday, 11 August 2013

Liposuction - Benefits and Downsides

Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure designed to break up and suck away pockets of fat from the body. It can be done in several ways. But usually, small incisions are made in the targeted areas, tiny vacuum tubes called cannula are inserted, the fat is broken down into small pieces, the fluid is sucked, and finally the incisions are closed.

Before you decide to undergo this treatment it is a good idea to take a look at the all the pros and cons of liposuction to make sure the benefits outweigh the costs for you.


Gets Rid of Stubborn Fat Pockets-Liposuction is designed to help you get rid of that flab in areas that are hard to reach with exercise and also those fatty deposits that just won't go away even with a good diet and consistent exercise. You could have liposuction performed on your belly, your love handles, your buttocks, thighs, upper arms, neck, and even your knees and ankles.

Quick Procedure-Liposuction will take just a few hours and some of the available methods can have you up and walking around right away. The complete recovery can take longer, but most people are back to work and normal activities after just a week of recuperation.

The Results Can Be Long-lasting-While it is possible for the fat to accumulate if you stop exercising and start eating poorly, generally, the results of this procedure are long-lasting and very satisfying for patients. Many people report increased self confidence in their appearance after lipo.


Not a Weight-loss Method-Liposuction is not intended to be a means of weight loss. This isn't really a downside of the surgery, though, just more like a limitation. You should usually be within 15 to 20 pounds of your ideal weight before you go in for treatment. Liposuction will not be an effective alternative to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Some Risks Exist-As with all types of surgery, there are some risks to your health with liposuction. But, these are considered pretty rare. There is a chance of infection around the wound site, but this can often be avoided by paying attention to good hygiene and all of your doctor's instructions.

There are also some risks associated with any general or local anesthesia used, especially if there is an allergic reaction to them. Providing your surgeon with your full medical history can help him/her determine whether it will be safe to perform lipo on you. If you are a smoker, continuing to smoke after your surgery can seriously slow the healing process and put you at the risk of more complications.

Recovery Can Be Uncomfortable-There is really no easy way around to recover from any surgery. Some people will react better than others, but there may be some pain and discomfort associated with the healing of the incisions, swelling, and the adjustment of the body. Prescribed pain medications can usually make the process much easier though.

Cost-And, of course, liposuction is not a procedure generally covered under most insurance plans. You will have to plan to spend several thousand dollars out of pocket in order to have your procedure, but many surgeons will offer payment plans or will direct you to a cosmetic surgery lender if you need help in financing your operation.

After you have reviewed the good and bad about liposuction, hopefully, you can make an informed decision whether it is the right thing for you or not!

For liposuction, Columbus Ohio based surgeon provides best treatments to help you change your body contours and give yourself the look you always desired. To know more and to schedule consultation, visit

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  1. My sister is in really good shape and exercises regularly but can't seem to get rid of her last bit of belly fat. She has been considering having liposuction to help her get her desired results. It seems like she would be have more confidence if she could get rid of that last bit of fat.

  2. great post.we can reduce weight quick and safe using liposuction get more details liposuction Surgery
