Saturday, 10 August 2013

Pregnancy After Liposuction - Is It Risky?

If you've had previous liposuction but now you're thinking of having a baby, you may be wondering will pregnancy after liposuction have any effect on your body as it goes through the changes pregnancy will bring.

The good news is there's really nothing to worry about. Having children after a liposuction procedure is not at all uncommon, and is certainly not considered to be risky in any way.

However, there are a few things to take into account from a purely logistical perspective - a couple of them depend very much on what part of your body you had your liposuction procedure.

If you had previous liposuction on your abdomen, you are likely to be blessed with a curvaceous baby belly! You're unlikely to gain much weight in that area because during the liposuction a lot of the fat cells in that area were removed - which can make it that much easier to get your tummy back in shape after the baby is born. So far, so good!

However - there is one aspect of liposuction that can be interesting to live with. Sometimes, if you do put on weight after your lipo, it can be added in the most interesting places! Since a lot of the fat cells from the original area are gone, you might find yourself gaining weight on your buttocks, but not your abdomen, if that was the site of your liposuction. In individuals who've had extensive lipo on various areas of the body, weight can be put on in unusual places, like the hands and feet!

In pregnancy, the female body is genetically predisposed toward gaining weight - for a good reason. The rigors of looking after a newborn baby and breastfeeding depend on a decent store of fat, so biologically women's bodies are programmed to put on weight during pregnancy.

The ideal situation is to allow your body to put on some extra weight - but not to go overboard or let your hair down completely and pile on a major amount of weight. Talk to your doctor about your weight and he / she will guide you on this.

If you are thinking of having liposuction, but you're also thinking of having a baby in the not too distant future, it might be better to have the lipo after the baby has arrived. Then, once the baby is born and you have recovered sufficiently from the pregnancy and childbirth, a liposuction procedure might be in order.

Women who are having a scheduled c section are increasingly asking to also schedule in a tummy tuck at the same time, especially if they are sure they don't want to have any more children after this one. The reason for this can often be this is not their first pregnancy, their family is now complete and they want to get their bodies back to the way they were before children.

The main thing to remember is pregnancy after liposuction shouldn't be a big deal, but if you are concerned about your own situation, do speak to your doctor to put your mind at rest.

Find out all you need to know about liposuction in the Dallas area by downloading a free copy of a comprehensive report called 'The Facts About Liposuction and What You Need to Know' from

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